Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Akmeşe

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Akmeşe.

Latitude and Longitude of Akmeşe

Latitude of Akmeşe 37.842062
Longitude of Akmeşe 42.256841
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GPS-coordinates of Akmeşe

GPS-coordinates of Akmeşe 37° 50' 31.423" N 42° 15' 24.628" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Akmeşe

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Akmeşe Zone 38S E: 258619.34 N: 4191838.16

Locations near Akmeşe

Eruh (12.22 km)Tillo (24.64 km)Pervari (27.44 km)Siirt (29.23 km)Şirvan (31.59 km)Bağgöze (33.27 km)Sağınlı (38.08 km)Uchucay (38.42 km)Şırnak (39.9 km)Hizan (45.21 km)Temelli (46.88 km)Kurtalan (49.55 km)Güçlükonak (51.12 km)Baykan (54.59 km)Cizre (57.04 km)Dargeçit (57.55 km)Bahçesaray (57.61 km)Orun (58.31 km)Bağlıca (62.78 km)Bitlis (63.45 km)İdil (64.36 km)Kocakoç (64.62 km)Yanarsu (64.9 km)Geyikpınarı (66.25 km)Silopi (68.66 km)Uludere (68.86 km)Mutki (69.48 km)Başyurt (71.04 km)Catakgayam (72.75 km)Çatak (72.75 km)