Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Al Ubayyiḑ

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Al Ubayyiḑ.

Latitude and Longitude of Al Ubayyiḑ

Latitude of Al Ubayyiḑ 13.178215
Longitude of Al Ubayyiḑ 30.216652
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GPS-coordinates of Al Ubayyiḑ

GPS-coordinates of Al Ubayyiḑ 13° 10' 41.574" N 30° 12' 59.947" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Al Ubayyiḑ

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Al Ubayyiḑ Zone 36P E: 198279.7 N: 1458515.72

Locations near Al Ubayyiḑ

Abu Khoreis (11.69 km)Umm Arada (24.23 km)Gumbil (34.51 km)Soudan (35.08 km)Sudan (35.08 km)Tiudan (35.08 km)El Ibnoia (46.35 km)Bagbagi (46.36 km)Riheiwa (69.28 km)Er Rahad (69.38 km)Leban (91.57 km)Umm Simeima (92.94 km)Saiyala (95.09 km)