Longitude and latitude / GPS coordinates
Here you can find out the longitude and latitude coordinates or the GPS coordinates to any location.
Find longitude and latitude / GPS coordinates of locations
Just insert the name of the location to which the longitude and latitude coordinates should be displayed. Alternatively, you can also click directly on the map to display the longitude and latitude of each position.
Longitude and latitude coordinates of the mouse position: (0,0)
Longitude and latitude of the map pin: (0,0)
GPS coordinates of the map pin: -
UTM coordinates of the map pin: -
Recent Places with longitude, latitude and GPS coordinates
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Longitude and latitude of a place (also called geographic coordinates) are fundamentally arbitrary fixed lines to determine a point on the earth. The longitude defines the position to the east or west of the prime meridian. The latitude is the distance of lines from the equator to the north or south.
What are the GPS coordinates of a location?
GPS coordinates reflect the longitude and latitude in GPS systems. GPS systems are used for navigation and can be set by individual coordinates. These coordinates are simply the longitude and latitude coordinates.