Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Akpatuema

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Akpatuema.

Latitude and Longitude of Akpatuema

Latitude of Akpatuema 6.200000
Longitude of Akpatuema 1.066667
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GPS-coordinates of Akpatuema

GPS-coordinates of Akpatuema 6° 12' 0" N 1° 4' 0.001" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Akpatuema

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Akpatuema Zone 31N E: 286078.49 N: 685702.98

Locations near Akpatuema

Kpoglu (2.93 km)Penyi (4.18 km)Dzogadze (8.82 km)Ehi (9.18 km)6.217345,1.152924 (9.72 km)Agence ADIDOGOME, GTAC2A-IARDT, 55HG+7Q6, Lomé (12.43 km)Kosikofe (13.11 km)Aduta (13.42 km)haeven grace group (13.63 km)heaven grace group (13.68 km)Golfe (14.06 km)Bay Lagoon (14.19 km)Klikor-Agbozume (14.65 km)Klikor (14.65 km)Agbozume (14.65 km)Awutui (15.22 km)Avoeme (15.55 km)Wheta (16.74 km)Agorvega (18.47 km)sotral lomé togo (18.64 km)Lomé (18.85 km)Lom (18.85 km)LOMÉ -togo (19.41 km)Togo lome (19.41 km)Atititi (20.02 km)Netime (20.47 km)6.158,1.308 (27.16 km)Ketos (32.84 km)Avedje (33.37 km)Keta (34.18 km)