Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Alzingen

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Alzingen.

Latitude and Longitude of Alzingen

Latitude of Alzingen 49.56885
Longitude of Alzingen 6.16394
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GPS-coordinates of Alzingen

GPS-coordinates of Alzingen 49° 34' 7.86" N 6° 9' 50.184" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Alzingen

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Alzingen Zone 32U E: 294949.24 N: 5494559.64

Locations near Alzingen

Hesperange (0.84 km)Fentange (1.03 km)Itzig (2.11 km)Howald (2.43 km)Luxemburg bonneweg camille wampach 20 (3.18 km)Weiler-la-Tour (3.88 km)auchan la cloche d'or (3.9 km)Crauthem (3.98 km)Syren (4.08 km)goedert tankstelle (4.69 km)Berchem O.-Vl.) (4.72 km)Contern (4.93 km)49.60960, 6.12966 (5.15 km)Cents (5.24 km)Luxembourg City (5.29 km)Luxembourg-Ville (5.29 km)Stadt Luxemburg (5.37 km)Parc de Merl (5.64 km)Frisange (6.14 km)Luxembourg, Rue de la Barriere (6.27 km)Sandweiler (6.68 km)Moutfort (7.06 km)Bettembourg (7.18 km)10 rue carlo hemmer 1734 luxembourg (7.19 km)Oetrange (7.61 km)Lux-Airport (7.62 km)findel (7.62 km)Leudelange (7.66 km)Schrassig (8.23 km)