Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Arratzu

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Arratzu.

Latitude and Longitude of Arratzu

Latitude of Arratzu 43.3137218
Longitude of Arratzu -2.6338156
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GPS-coordinates of Arratzu

GPS-coordinates of Arratzu 43° 18' 49.398" N 2° 38' 1.736" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Arratzu

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Arratzu Zone 30T E: 529694.8 N: 4795719.12

Locations near Arratzu

Ajangiz (2.67 km)Mendata (3 km)Kortezubi (3.38 km)Gernika-Lumo (3.81 km)Forua (4.04 km)Nabarniz (4.08 km)Gautegiz Arteaga (4.54 km)Ereño (4.77 km)Muxika (5.23 km)Murueta (5.88 km)Aulesti (6.1 km)Munitibar-Arbatzegi Gerrikaitz (6.31 km)Errigoiti (7.39 km)Gizaburuaga (8 km)Ibarrangelu (8.53 km)Sitauze (8.86 km)Ispaster (9.03 km)Busturia (9.3 km)Amoroto (9.72 km)Morga (9.73 km)Ziortza-Bolibar (9.85 km)Elantxobe (9.95 km)Sukarrieta (10.35 km)Arrieta (11.37 km)Mundaka (11.78 km)Mundakjaya (11.78 km)Mindaka (11.78 km)Lekeitio (11.83 km)Fruiz (12.26 km)Markina-Xemein (12.27 km)