Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Barruelo del Valle

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Barruelo del Valle.

Latitude and Longitude of Barruelo del Valle

Latitude of Barruelo del Valle 41.674585
Longitude of Barruelo del Valle -5.0696287

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GPS-coordinates of Barruelo del Valle

GPS-coordinates of Barruelo del Valle 41° 40' 28.506" N 5° 4' 10.663" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Barruelo del Valle

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Barruelo del Valle Zone 30T E: 327723.37 N: 4615716.09

Locations near Barruelo del Valle

Torrecilla de la Torre (1.77 km)Villasexmir (3.97 km)Torrelobatón (4.67 km)San Cebrián de Mazote (6.45 km)Gallegos de Hornija (7.58 km)Peñaflor de Hornija (8.26 km)Castrodeza (9.6 km)Vega de Valdetronco (9.79 km)Mota del Marqués (10.15 km)Berceruelo (10.94 km)Marzales (11.12 km)Castromonte (11.23 km)Urueña (12.46 km)Bercero (12.53 km)Villalbarba (14.21 km)Velliza (14.72 km)Villalar de los Comuneros (15.04 km)Robladillo (15.2 km)Villán de Tordesillas (15.32 km)Mudarra (La) (15.68 km)Villagarcía de Campos (15.88 km)Villardefrades (16.3 km)Tiedra (16.36 km)Villabrágima (16.85 km)Tordehumos (17.27 km)Pedrosa del Rey (17.33 km)Villavellid (17.34 km)Villanueva de los Caballeros (17.6 km)Casasola (17.85 km)Casasola de Arión (17.85 km)